Chibuto heavy sands project at the centre of land expropriation
By CJI team
The 10.554 hectare land concession to the China-based Dingsheng Mining company for the exploitation of heavy sands in the locality of C [...]

Multinational mobile phone firm stashes $22m in tax haven from Malawi
By Collins Mtika
Wherever you go in Malawi—whether it is in the cities, towns or the countryside—Airtel Malawi is part of the landscape, and ju [...]

A scenario of confusion among the SDF
Estacio Valoi
The official narrative about the Defence and Security Forces (DSF) of Mozambique is that the soldiers and policemen are defending [...]

Quadro confuso e de desconfiança entre as FDS
Estacio Valoi
A narrativa oficial sobre as Forças de Defesa e Segurança (FDS) de Moçambique é de militares e polícias que com bravura, patrioti [...]

Areias pesadas do Chibuto no epicentro da expropriação de terras
Por CJI team
A quando da concessão dos 10.554 hectares na Localidade de Canhavano, Posto Administrativo de Chibuto, para extrair e processar areia [...]
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