War follows those who fled into the west

War follows those who fled into the west

  With regional forces retaking Cabo Delgado, insurgents turn their attention inland   Luis Nhachote The insurgency in Mozam [...]
A Deadly Ring of Coal: VALE’s poisoned gift to Mozambique

A Deadly Ring of Coal: VALE’s poisoned gift to Mozambique

By: Estacio Valoi Pic: Estacio Valoi /Houses in the Deadly Ring of Coal/Moatize 15 years ago, when the Mozambican government signed the cont [...]
O presente envenenado da VALE para Moçambique

O presente envenenado da VALE para Moçambique

Um Cerco Letal de Carvão: O presente envenenado da VALE para Moçambique   Por: Estacio Valoi*  Há 15 anos, quando o governo de Moçambi [...]
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